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📄 Two-Sided Printing & Reused Paper Campaign: Let's Go Green Together! 📄

Dear RML Team, 

We’re excited to announce our new Two-Sided Printing and Reused Paper Campaign!  

This initiative aims to reduce paper waste and promote sustainability within our organization. 

Here’s how you can get involved: 

  • Print on Both Sides: Whenever possible, use double-sided printing to minimize paper usage. Look for “Two-Sided” option in your printer settings. 

  • Reuse Paper: Collect and reuse single-sided paper for notes, drafts, or internal documents. Place used paper in designated reuse bins located around the office. 

  • Think Before You Print: Before printing, consider if it’s necessary. Whenever you can, go for digital documents to cut down on paper use. 

Thank you for your commitment to reducing waste and supporting our sustainability efforts! 

HR Department. 

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